- Open Mobile Alliance: The WAP Forum
- The WAP Forum - Technical Specifications
- GuestTek High Speed Internet Access for Hotels
- HereUAre.com - Unified Wireless Internet Access
- Welcome To Wayport! - Fast Net for people on the move
- Boingo Wireless - The Nation's Easiest-To-Use Wi-Fi Internet Service Provider
- 802.11 Hotspots.com, a directory of public 802.11b hot spots for finding Wi-Fi wireless internet access
- psiloc.com - Mobile solutions for your wireless phone
- eBaum's World - A Hilatious Collection of Media for the Masses Check out the voice emulators for prank phone calls and the video for loading a dirt bike. Tons of other cool stuff.
[Note: This site uses pop-up advertisements.]
- Motorola A760 Linux Smartphone
- Phone Scoop - Mobile phone news, info, reviews, community, and deals
- Cool ring tones and more
- Cellphone ring tones, screen graphics, mobile games and more
- Used Cell Phones New Wireless Phones Refurbished Cellular Phones
[Note: This site uses pop-up windows.]
- CollectiveGood mobile phone recycling
[Note: This site uses pop-up windows.]
- Compare Cell Phone Prices, Free Cell Phones, Cell Phone plans, Research Cellular Phones, Cell Phone Accessories. Get the Best Cellular Phone Deals Here!
- RecycleWirelessPhones.org - Wireless . The New Recyclable
- WirelessRecycling.com - Donate used cell phones, help people and the planet
- Verizon's HopeLine: cellular phone recycle program
[Note: This site may not display well on older browsers.]
- AT&T Wireless's callular phone recycle program
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- Cell for Cash - Get cash for your old cell phone
- OldCellPhone.com - We buy old cell phones
- ReCellular Cellular Recycling - The Worls Leaders in Wireless Trading and Reburbishing
- Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) - recycle old cell phones & rechargeable batteries
- Cell Phone Recycling Donation - Donate old, used cellular phones for recycle
- The Wireless Foundation - philanthropic programs utilizing wireless technology
- Mobile Gizmoz - The internet destination for mobile devices and accessories for your cell phone
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- Ringtones 4 All - Free ringtones to download
- My Wireless - Join the protest against more taxes on wireless services
- MobileBurn - News, reviews on the mobile communication world
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