"Small opportunities are often the
beginning of great enterprises."
The Great List
Business-to-Business Portals (B2B)
- Welcome to Altra
- Welcome to Arbinet
- The Assetline Exchange
- AssetSmart.com - SuperSite for Technology Equipment
- Free Daily Government Bid Matching Now with Daily Non-Government
- Biotech, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical News, Jobs, Companies,
- SmartPortal Objects from Bizee.com
- bLiquid.com Auction - industrial auctions online
- b2bNow.com Business Search Engine Directory Business Portal Inte
- BuildNet, Bringing It All Together
- BusinessSurplus.com Home Page
- BuyMedia
- buzzsaw.com
- Camelottech.com
- CATEX - The Catastrophe Risk Exchange
- Celarix.com - Everything for Global Logistics
- Central Resources Inc
- US Chamber of Commerce Small Business Center
- PetroChemNet: the Petroleum andPetrochemicals Internet Resource
- Chemdex | The Online Source For Scientific Products
- ChipCenter: The Web's Definitive Electronics Resource
- "CoalCamp.Com is the coal industry marketplace. Find equipment,
- CFOL.com - The World's Largest Business Finance Search Engine!
- Quest Design Technologies
- DataGalaxy.com
- Dexpo.com
- Digibid auction pro audio, video, lighting, MIDI, music gear
- Welcome to dovebid.com
- ecFood.com - Food Industry Marketplace empowering food professio
- e-Chemicals - Your integrated e-commerce chemical purchasing sol
- Welcome to the e-ChoiceNet Demo!
- Bio Online Auctions - Laboratory Equipment
- Enermetrix.com Home Page
- Epylon.Com: Your Education Marketplace
- LeaseExchange
- Equipp.com: Quality Equipment. End-to-End Services
- eRateRequest.com - Home
- e-STEEL: Marketplace for Steel
- EventSource Splash Page
- Excess Materials, Inc.
- FastParts.com: an Internet-based electronic component marketplac
- fibermarket.com
- fob
- FreeMarkets
- Gernsbachers.com
- GetCommStuff.com
- GlobalFoodExchange.com - Trade the World's Harvest
- GlobalSpec.com - Searchable Engineering Catalogs on the Net
- The Global TeleExchange (The GTX): Where the World Trades Teleco
- Pharmaceutical Executive's Healthcare Marketing and Media
- HoustonStreet.com
- hsupply.com | Where Buyer and Supplier Click
- HVAC Online: Members Area
- IMX Exchange: The "Stock Market" of the mortgage industry
- IndustryClick Communities
- Welcome to i2i - industry to industry
- #1 Ranked Food Industry Site: The Internet Foodfront Supersite
- Ironmall.com - Ironmall Online Auction
- iShip.com - Compare shipping rates, print labels, and track packages online
- Killerbiz - We offer a smarter and more efficient way to purchase business services and products
- New and used kitchen, hotel, restaurant equipment and supplies.
- IndustryMart - Searches distributor stocks for hard to find bear
- Marex.com - Welcome to Marex.com : The Marine Industry's Online Marketplace
- Welcome to MedicalBuyer.com
- MetalSite: Global Metals Marketplace
- mondus.com - online purchasing - the bidding starts here
- mrn.com - Medical products and Equipment - E-commerce made E-z
- Nation's Restaurant News
- Need2Buy.com Electronics Marketplace
- NetBuy, Buy electronic parts online now!
- Newmediary.com - Find Business. Find Businesses.
- UraniumOnLine.com - The nuclear fuel eCommerce solution
- NorthWest Builders Network - Construction News, Information & Internet Marketing Services
- Office.com
- The Online Asset Exchange, the world's largest asset exchange
- Welcome To onlineMRO.com - Your #1 Source For MRO Related Products Online!
- OrderZone.com - One Site. One Order. One Answer. (sm)
- Welcome to PackagingExchange.Com
- PaperDeals.com - The Global Auction for Buying and Selling Paper Stocks
- Welcome to PaperExchange.com, the leading online provider of e-commerce for the paper industry
- Welcome to pl-x.com! Marketplace for the knowledge economy
- Pedestal.com - the premier on-line resource for secondary market
- Electronic Test Measurement Equipment Auction by PlanetTest.com
- Welcome To The Power Marketing Association OnLine!
- PrintNation.com - The Leading Business To Business e-Commerce Site for the Commercial Printing Industry
- PurchasingCenter.com - The Source for MRO Buyers to Find, Quote, and Buy
- Secure ecommerce and supplier sourcing with minorities for purchasing and procurement
- eRailXchange - The railway industry's home on the internet
- RateXchange: The Real-Time Bandwidth Exchange
- Redspark.com - Transforming the Manufacturing Supply Chain ...
- RetailExchange.com is the global marketplace providing the best opportunistic deals for the retail industry
- Security Source, Inc., your single source for loss prevention products and services
- Welcome to Supermarketworld.com! - The source for Supermarket News, Research, and Information
- Welcome to SurplusFoods.com, the Surplus Foods Solution!
- Intellectual Property Technology Exchange ( TechEx )
- TechnologyNet.com - where business and technology connect
- Visit Techopps.com to research employers and opportunities in technology
- Call Center Customer Service and Telemarketing Portal - TelePlaza
- telezoo.com: telecomunications Marketplace for NetworkProducts and Connectivity Services
- TestMart.Com - Test and Measurement Commerce and Information Provider
- TradeGo.Com - The World's First Multiple Language Business To Business Internet Auctions
- GM TradeXchange
- TruckingNet is the complete data resource for information on the trucking and truck equipment management
- Welcome to Ultraprise Corporation, the secondary market mortgage exchange
- USBid Inc. offers a business-to-business online auction to buy and sell electronic components
- WebFarming.com - Farming the Web for Systematic Business Intelligence
- WebMD
- ZDNet: Home Page
- The World Shipping Directory - The Parts Exchange
- Aluminium.com - The internet marketplace for everything aluminium
- Welcome to bbcn.com - Business to Business Commerce Network
- Foodbuy.com - the complete food service solution
- AssetTRADE - The Definitive Global Marketplace for Used Industrial Equipment
- SPS Commerce - Retail and Manufacturing B2B Exchanges
- Welcome to Noosh - Buy, Sell, and Manage Print On-Line
- Welcome to eSkye.com - A leader in e-business services for the global beverage alcohol industry
- Ventro
- SciQuest.com - The Internet Source for Scientific Products
- ChemConnect-Connecting Buyers and Sellers Worldwide
- Instill Corporation - e-Business for Foodservice
- AsiaShip Homepage
- ChemicalsWorld
- icChina.com
- cometotrade.com - The Business to Business Global Marketplace
- BuyerZone.com | Buy smart for your business
- Welcome to Asista.com!
- Bienvenidos a la Sede corporativa internacional de Telefonica
- Artikos - La Primera Empresa de Comersio Electronico
- B2BRover.com - B2B exchanges made simple.
- Welcome to rediff.com
- MEXICO CHANNEL - The best source of information on Mexico
- fob.com - Where Industrial Buyers go for eProcurement
- Alentis - Uniting ASP Buyers With ASP Sellers
- INC2INC - e-Inventing The Food Chain
- Alibaba.com - Import Export Trade leads
- Global Sources
- Trade: Trading, Importing & The Leading B2B Portal for Sourcing Products in China
- FOODgalaxy.com | Home - Profit Center for the Foodservice Industry
- Gofish.com - Cast a wider net.
- eCharge - Home Page
- AlphaTrust.com Home Page
- Lawyerware -- Technology Tools For Legal Professionals
- Amphire Solutions
- Microsoft bCentral - Online services for small businesses
- YourMoldingMachine.com
- MachinePoint.com - A Machinery e-Market Web Site
- supplyspot.com - The HVAC MarketPlace
- MyAircraft - Aerospace Marketplace
- eGreenCoffee.com: Trading coffee will never be the same
- LatinPlasticos.com - e-commerce para a industria plastica
- MercadoEmpresarial.com
- ProcuraDigital.com
- Coface - The world is yours, the rick is ours
- Welcome to TradeCard
- Industria Solutions, Inc. - The bluechip B2B marketplace for process plant equipment
- TRANSORA ... moving beyond traditional industry boundaries ...
- FuelSpot - The Premier Trading and eCommerce Energy Portal
- myB2O.com
- COVISINT - The automotive industry portal
- ConsultingCentral.com
- BuildPoint.com Home
- liquidation.com - surplus liquidation auction site military surplus office furniture
- Ariba: Making the net work for B2B
- industry2industry
- Prime Advantage Corporation Homepage
- PlasticsCommerce.com
- CheMatch.com - buy bulk chemicals, polymers and fuel products
- ChemCross.com
- Omnexus - The Global Plastics eMarketplace
- Welcome to eFodia.com
- eWinWin - Where everyone wins!
- Welcome to MfgConnect.com
- Internet Marketing Strategies for Companies in the Plastics and Rubber Industries
- ChemDeals.com
- 20TONS.com : Home Page : Secondary Plastics Exchange
- Welcome to GlobalPlas.com
- Molders Choice, Inc.
- VinylNetwork.com - Exchange
- WorldWidePlastics.com
- American Manufacturers.com - Manufacturing Buyers and Sellers Exchange
- Protomarket.com - The free online marketplace for buyers and sellers of rapid prototyping, rapid tooling
- Polymer Additives
- Net Market Makers.com
- Made2Manage Systems
- eXcelon Corporation provides products and services enabling business-to-business ecommerce
- Metals USA Home
- Manufacturing marketplace for Contract Services.
- SUNeVision
- fobplastics.com - Home Page
- American Manufacturers.com - Manufacturing Buyers and Sellers Exchange
- USMarketer.com
- Welcome to TextileWeb.net
- Farms.com - agriculture information, markets, auctions and commentary
- DirectAg.com
- ConNet Home Page
- Government Bids and Bid Specifications from BidNet
- AutoTradeCenter.com - The Automotive Industry's leading B2B Internet Vehicle Remarketing Company
- the AS400-specific portal
- the Windows NT/2000-specific portal
- the Application Service Provider-specific portal
- the Lotus Domino-specific portal
- the Visual Basic-specific portal
- the online IT knowledge exploration tool
- BuyProduce.com
- Food Trader
- nebs.com
- e-epoxy.com
- China Premium Food Corporation
- Welcome to TradeCard
- Tradestream
[Note: This is a Flash-enabled site, requiring heavy object downloads.]
- Alibaba.com - Import Export Trade leads
- FITA - The Federation of Internation Trade Associations: Global Board of Trade
- WorldBizMedia.com - Your resource guide to B-to-B media worldwide
- WAND - World Access Network Directory
- Websters Online. Search by SIC Codes, NAICS Codes, Products
- TREM-Thomas Register of European Manufacturers - industrial manufacturing supplies
- Asian Vendors
- Overstock B2B - brand names below wholesale
- Uniscape: leaders in web site and ebusiness globalization, internationalization and multilingual solutions
- Switchouse - Buy, sell, swap your stuff
- SwapVillage: Buy, Sell, and Swap within Your Community!
- Honeywell Home
- Welcome to paper2print.com!
- B2Bportales.com - Latin America's Vertical Portals
- Brianna's BIG list of business links - A very extensive list
- Flowergrower.com - Where global supply meets global demand
- Worldbid.com - International B2G and B2B Import / Export Trade Leads
- EquipNet Direct Marketplace for idle & surplus equipment
- Cordiem - Powering aviation e-business
- GotPallets.com - A site linking buyers and sellers of pallets across the country
- Instant quotes for rapid prototypes at QuickParts.com
- Internet American Petroleum Exchange
- MachineTools.com - The Machine Tool Marketplace
- ClothingBids.com!!! The auction site featuring WHOLESALE clothing and accessories to the apparel induatry
- MaterialNat, Inc. Strategic Solutions. Tactical Tools.
- Metal Suppliers Omline Business Procuremant Center
- Onvia - Government Bids, RFPs, RFQs, Leads for Your Business
- PannNet.com - A starting point for PennWell and PennEnergy
- "Printcities" Printing Equipment Marketplace, Used Offset Printing Equipment
- ChemConnect.com - The leading online chemical and plastics global marketplace
- Neoforma - The Leading Business to Business Healthcare Supply Chain Solutions Company
- SecureTenders.com - Trade leads, contract leads, tender leads and e-procurement
- cyberstudios.com - Leading developer of web-based event-planning solutions
- FreeTradeZone.com - PartMiner
- The Graphic Arts Exchange -- Used Printing Equipment, Used Bindery Equipment, Used Pre-Press Equipment, & More...
- Genemco, Inc. - Food processing equipment is our specialty
- Used Heavy Equipment For Sale, construction, forestry, mining, agriculture & earth moving
- Project Collaboration Software - Our ProjectWeb software enables team members to use a Web browser to access a centralized, online site to find latest documentation and changes
- Russian business directory Openrussia. Russian trade leads site. Partners search in Russia. You can find here all about Russian customs rules.
- WorldVideoBusiness - a business to business e-marketplace source of international trade leads, and tender opportunities from companies and government organizations around the globe
- Offers-directory.com, is a new global B2B portal, catalog and trade leads to importer, exporter, manufacturer, wholesaler, supplier
[Note: This site may not render properly on older browsers.]
- Steelonthenet.com - an international iron and steel information portal providing free worldwide steel industry news, reports, prices and statistics online
- SUNBELT Business Advisors Network - The largest office network of business brokerage in the world
[Note: This site may not render properly or at all on all browsers.]