"A single conversation across the table with
a wise man is worth a month's study of books."
-Chinese Proverb
The Great List
Real Estate / Realty / Houses
- Real Estate: Metro Houses for sale.
- International Real Estate Directory.
- WorldWide Real Estate Network (WREN)
- Third Age - Money - Real Estate
- Realty Plus Inc.
- Realtor.com: Real estate listings, homes for sale, home loans
- Experian Credit and Real Estate Information
- HomeGain -- Find a real estate agent - Realtor - Real Estate
- Realtor.com: Real estate listings, homes for sale, home loans
- Ranger Realty - Homes for sale in Dallas, Dallas real estate. Valuable links to many area resources.
- Luxury real estate and properties for sale from Christie's Great Estates
- House-buying Information (FREE)
- Tips for selling your own home
- Barry Stone: "The House Detective"
- Home Inspector Locator
- Find your best place
- Get Home Prices and Values, Home Sale Comparisons and more
- TAD - Tarrant Appraisal District
- Sacramento Real Estate Agency
- County Real Estate - Your real estate county guide
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- House-Hunting.com - American House Hunting Online (home for sale in all states)
- French Property Site, holidays in france, property for sale in France
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- French Estate Agents, complete listings of real estate agents in France, fully searchable map of France
- Realtor-X - Realtor guide
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- All Around your house is a web-based portal about buying and selling a home, home improvement, home security, and more
[Note: This site may not render properly on all browsers.]
- Aurora Real Estate - Your real estate guide in Aurora, Ohio
- NETRonline Real Estate Info And Public Records Search
- Real Estate Ownership Information
- Small Business Development Centers
- Tarrant County, Texas Deeds
- Texas County Appraisal Districts
- Texas Largest Online Property Records Database
- County Maps for each state (National Association of Counties)
- Manufactured Home Titles for Texas
- Bexar Appraisal District
- City Sites - Cities in the USA, States and territories of the USA