"New ideas cannot be administered successfully
by men with old ideas, for the essential for doing
a job well is the wish to see the job done at all."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Great List
- Inc. Online: Small Business Publication.
- Jane's Information: Assess-Security Threats.
- Randomhouse: Publisher.
- Canada.com: Headlines, politics, and search.
- Cross-Canada: Weekly Coverage.
- Delacorte Press: Publisher.
- e-town: Audio & Video news/reviews.
- Star Text: Ft. Worth Star-Telegram.
- Cyber Times: New York Times.
- Plastics News: Weekly Trade Publication.
- PRN On-Line: Car news, events,shows.
- NewsLinx: Daily news for Webheads.
- American City: Business Journals.
- USA Today: Electronic newspaper.
- Tech News First.
- CNN Interactive.
- Atlantic Unbound | The Atlantic Monthly
- 2600 Magazine
- Sony Pictures Entertainment MOVIES
- Los Angeles Times Web Site
- Welcome to washingtonpost.com
- World Trade Magazine
- Seeing Through Computers, Sherry Turkle, The American Prospect
- NEA: Technology Brief No.9--1997
- San Jose Mecury (newspaper)
- The Chicago Tribune
- Farm Journal
- The Fort Worth Chamber
- Business Week Online's BizLink
- Children Now: Home Page
- StarMedia (en Espanol)
- Welcome to The Globe
- The Dallas Examiner
- CMPnet: The Technology Network
- Computer Graphics World
- CFO Magazine and Treasury & Risk Management Home Page
- AJR NewsLink
- FastCompany Home Page
- Far Eastern Economic Review Interactive Edition
- Strategy & Business
- Technology Review: MIT's Magazine of Innovation
- The Economist
- BusinessWeek ebiz
- Business 2.0
- Mediakit
- Harvard Business School Publishing: Home
- SiliconValley.com: Welcome
- Beyond Computing - Online
- Ladies' Home Journal Online
- Newspaper Archives A-D
- Context Magazine -- Home
- ESRI/FEMA Project Impact Hazard Site
- Welcome to start magazine online!
- Inventors' Digest Online--Information for Inventors
- Developer Magazine
- Datamation Magazine
- Intranet Journal
- FREE one-year magazine subscriptions: computers, business and engineering trade publications
- SalesDoctors Magazine for Selling Professionals
- Entrepreneur Magazine - The Online Small Business Authority
- NewsDirectory: Newspapers and Media
- Welcome to TIME.com
- CNET.com - Welcome to CNET!
- E-Commerce Times: Front Page: Everything You Need to Know About Doing Business OnLine
- World News - top stories from the world's online news services.
- The Drudge Report
- Opinion-Pages (Think: Opinions, Ideas and Commentary)
- Welcome to BioBeat online
- Entrepreneur.Com : Front Door
- Foreign Policy Magazine
- bepress.com - Berkeley Electronic Press
- Zooba.com - Home
- The Hub Magazine | Thinking Marketing for Business Visionaries
[Note: This site redirects you to their current issue.]
- Machine Design
- TheStandard.com: homepage
- dmnews.com - Your Direct Marketing Network
- Digitrends.net -
- Silicon Alley Daily
[This site pops up a window upon entering.]
- Business 2.0
- Redherring.com - Technology Business News, Analysis, and Research
- Adventive
- Discount Long Distance Digest - HOMEPAGE
- QuePasa.com [English & Espanol]
- Yupi.com [Spanish, Espanol]
- Hispanic Online [English, Ingleses]
- University Business Daily
- CNET.com - Linux Center
- Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters
- The Bark Unleashed: The Bark Web Site
- VARBusiness University
- Cisco - IQ Magazine
- Plastics Technology Online - The Premier Source of Technical and Business Information for Plastics Processors
- UpsideToday
- National Geographic Online (maps, photography, travel, more)
- Research: All a broker needs to succeed
- AeroWorldNet(tm) - A daily aerospace magazine on the Internet
- I Want Media
- GCN - Government Computer News
- Robot Wisdom Weblog
- Poetry.Com: Free Poetry Contest, Poems, Publishing, Links and Chat
- Cahners
- Media UNspun Website
- Review of Financial Studies
- Embedded Systems Programming Magazine
- BHG.com - Better Homes & Gardens
- The Corner on National Review Online
- NUZee.com - Top Stories
- CSRwire.com - Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire
- ChiefExecutive.net - The CEO Connection
- Ads.com - Watch TV ads and commercials online.
- Readerville. The social life of the mind.
- newsday.com
- Embedded Systems Programming
- TheArtNewspaper.com
- Sky & Telescope Magazine
- NewsLink | Newspapers | U.S. | Business
- Thousands of newspapers on the Net
- Metagrid - Newspapers & Magazines
- Time Inc. Portal
- ABC Communications: NetBistro
- globeandmail.com - Canada's best source for news continuously updated from The Globe and Mail
- TheMoscowTimes.com - Front Page
- smh.com.au - The Sydney Morning Herald
- SCMP.com - the online edition of South China Morning Post, Hong Kong's premier English-language newspaper
- The Times of India
- The Army Times
- Style.com - The Online Home of Vogue and W
[Note: This site uses pop-up windows for advertisements.]
- North Lake Tahoe Bonanza
- Our Home Today's Home - Life and Styles Magazine
- The Engineer - News Magazine for Technology and Innovation
- Packaging World: News about packaging machinery, packaging materials, packaging users and the packaging field
- People's Daily Online [A Chinese News Magazine]
- TechsUnite.org - IT news and IT worker resources
- New Equipment Digest
- Journalism.org - Research, resources, and ideas to improve journalism
- Heartland Film Festival - "To recognize and honor filmmakers whose work explores the human journey by artistically expressing hope and respect for the positive values of life."
- Humanitas exists to encourage those who create contemporary media to use their immense power in a humanistic way, to enrich as well as entertain their viewers.
- The Round Up - The Student Voice of New Mexico State University
[Caution: This site uses JavaScript code which may hang your browser.]
- Pathfinder - Guide to the websites of Time, Inc.
- AskMen - Free Men's Online Magazine (not just for men)
[Note: This site may not render properly on all browsers.]
- Montana Standard - Butte, Montana, newspaper with archives
- First Monday - Peer-reviewed Journal on the Internet
- McMillan Publishers - Publishers Throughout the World
- Public Internet Broadcasting