Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 11:36:07 -0500
From: OMNIport Technical Support 
Reply-To: OMNIport Technical Support 
Organization: OMNIport NETwork Services, Subsidiary of Caribe Enterprises, Inc.
Subject: Upstream Link Out


OMNIport's upstream link, the high-bandwidth circuit that connects OMNIport
to the rest of the internet went out at 1:40am this morning.  At that time,
and up to this very moment, we have been trying to raise the technical
people at the regional provider.  A few minutes ago, we reached someone
that knows what is happening.

The current information is that this outtage is due to a circuit hardware
failure.  At present, there is no estimated up-time.  We will keep you
informed as we gain information.

Look to the OMNIport News Port for current information at:

Please note that since mail servers queue up messages all outbound and
inbound messages are being queued and will be delivered as soon as the
upstream link is reestablished.

OMNIport Technical Support 

Please send suggestions and comments to: OMNIport WebMeister
Thank you ... enjoy!
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