Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 23:19:41 -0600
From: OMNIport Technical Support 
Reply-To: OMNIport Technical Support 
Organization: OMNIport NETwork Services, Subsidiary of Caribe Enterprises, Inc.
Subject: Upstream connectivity update


This is the third day since the loss of our high-speed local loop line.
OMNIport Technical Support has been brain storming and rattling cages
to come up with faster alternatives to our current low-bandwidth
workaround for our high-speed upstream link.  All avenues open to us
will take 7 to 10 days to be put in place.  7 to 10 days is also the
amount of time we are currently being informed that it will take to
get our high-speed circuit back up through another provider.  Thus, it
looks like we will have to endure 7 to 10 days of slow connectivity.

While the circuit is being moved, we will continue to research other
alternatives and try to improve our bandwidth and bandwidth use.

As if to add insult to injury during this crisis, our name server
stopped reponding to requests for a long while today.  All is back in
normal operation and measures are being developed to detect and correct
this sort of outtage so that there will be no loss of this important
service in the future.

We will endeavor to keep you informed about late-breaking news concerning
our connectivity.  Please stop by the OMNIport News Port for more info:

Thank you for your continued patience.

OMNIport Technical Support 

Please send suggestions and comments to: OMNIport WebMeister
Thank you ... enjoy!
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