Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 12:51:41 -0500
From: OMNIport Technical Support 
Reply-To: OMNIport Technical Support 
Organization: OMNIport NETwork Services, Subsidiary of Caribe Enterprises, Inc.
Subject: Regional Provider Network Outtage Update


As of Sun Jul  9 12:36:38 CDT 2000, the regional provider still has
serious outtages that are effecting OMNIport connectivity to the internet.
Late last night (11:00pm), an optical cable was cut.  Technicians have
been working since then to repair the optical cable and restore connectivity
to the internet.

Please note that any mail destined to your mailboxes will be re-delivered
by the mail servers that originated them, provided their servers are set up
with a more-or-less standard configuration.  Any mail you attempt to send
out at this time will be held in the OMNIport mail server until such time
that the connection to the rest of the internet is restored.

Stay tuned to: for the latest information.

OMNIport Technical Support 

Please send suggestions and comments to: OMNIport WebMeister
Thank you ... enjoy!
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